The Econscript:
Inter-Collegiate Essay Competition

Understanding the importance of sharing and exploring ideas that may not be found in a quintessential economics textbook, the Ashoka Economics Society seeks to encourage participants to think out of the box and aims to impose the broad range of economics that is not only dependent on theoretical but also practical application.
The first economics essay competition will be held in August 2022 in an online format. Students currently pursuing an undergraduate degree can participate in the competition.
Should central banks start working on creating digital currency for their own economies? If you concur, how may you advise they proceed? If you disagree, how do you suggest central banks handle the proliferation of digital currencies in all private sectors and other economies? 2) Do medieval economic theories and economists still hold water in today's world? Are they the foundation or introduction to economics? Comment with regard to a particular theory or an economist's body of work.
Do medieval economic theories and economists still hold water in today's world? Are they the foundation or introduction to economics? Comment with regard to a particular theory or an economist's body of work.