The Economic Ashokan
Send in a 100-150 word abstract of your idea to ensure the absence of overlap in ideas (already published or soon to be). One of our editors will get in touch with you to discuss the content further, post which you can submit your final article to us!
Submission Guidelines
Please ensure that you’ve a suitable title of no more than 10 words.
Send in your pieces as a Word or Google Doc.
Styling specifications: Size 12, Times New Roman, Justified Alignment.
Please limit the article to 800-1000 words (or a less than a 4-6 minute read).
We do not follow citation formats like Chicago, APA, MLA or Harvard. Since this is a blog, please hyperlink any references.
Please provide a short description which can act as a preview to your article on our blog.
To allow for an easy read, break your content into sub-headings.
Remember that your audience is not just economics students, so briefly explain concepts to ensure your reader can follow the article entirely!
Please provide us with a picture we can use along with your article.
Send all submissions to: econsoc@ashoka.edu.in